| 1. | Why should i listen to explanations 为什么我非得听,你的花言巧语? |
| 2. | Is devoted to explanation of rule creation 专用于说明规则创建。 |
| 3. | Application of multilayer apperceive neural network to explanation and interpretation of remote sensing images 多层感知神经网络在遥感影像解译中的应用 |
| 4. | Linguistic studies have turned from description to explanation , from internal structure to external influence 它们的演变还呈现出从描写转向解释、从内部结构转向外部影响的趋势。 |
| 5. | The heads of the inspected organizations should be familiar with the research of the applied product and present to inspectors the process and questions subject to explanation 被核查单位负责人应熟悉所报品种的研制情况,并应向现场核查人员汇报产品研制的基本经过、研制过程中需要说明的问题。 |
| 6. | Everyone enjoyed the paintings as if they were being bathed in truth , virtue and beauty . when they attentively listened to explanations of master s paintings , they kept shaking their heads in agreement and sighed with admiration 他们观画时欣喜愉悦的神情,彷佛正在享受真善美的洗礼一般,且非常专注地听我们解说师父的画,不时地摇头在当地是表示赞同之意并发出赞叹声。 |
| 7. | Therefore , in addition to explanation of the characteristics of the units of analysis in detail puch as individual decision making , group decision making organizational decision making , this paper also discuss the decision rules and alternative methods of making decision 因此,本文除将个人的决策、团体的决策、组织的决策各分析单位的特征详细说明外,并讨论决策规划与决策方法。 |
| 8. | But until now , the cbs theory and practice in china are still in early stage of development . only a few researchers engage in this field who seem only to be interest in the description of the bases of cbs and have not applied the theories to explanation of the chinese cbs market 但是我国证券市场在可转换公司债方面的实践时间不长,在理论方面的研究指导更是匮乏,有关可转换公司债的专著屈指可数,因此可转换公司债的理论深化与实务经验的总结尤为必要。 |
| 9. | I was spared the trouble of answering , for bessie seemed in too great a hurry to listen to explanations ; she hauled me to the washstand , inflicted a merciless , but happily brief scrub on my face and hands with soap , water , and a coarse towel ; disciplined my head with a bristly brush , denuded me of my pinafore , and then hurrying me to the top of the stairs , bid me go down directly , as i was wanted in the breakfast - room 贝茜似乎很匆忙,已等不及听我解释,省却了我回答的麻烦。她将我一把拖到洗脸架前,不由分说往我脸上手上擦了肥皂,抹上水,用一块粗糙的毛巾一揩,虽然重手重脚,倒也干脆爽快。她又用一把粗毛刷子,把我的头清理了一番,脱下我的围涎,急急忙忙把我带到楼梯口,嘱我径直下楼去,说是早餐室有人找我。 |
| 10. | But soon his strength was exhausted , and looking about him , feeling that he had said a great deal that was unjust , he got into his carriage and drove back in silence . his wrath once spent did not return again , and kutuzov , blinking feebly , listened to explanations and self - justifications yermolov himself did not put in an appearance till next day , and to the earnest representation of bennigsen , konovnitsyn , and toll that the battle that had not come off should take place on the following day 他的怒气一经发完,就不再发怒了,库图佐夫无精打采地眨着眼听那些辩解和袒护的话叶尔莫洛夫本人第二天才来见他,听贝尼格森科诺夫尼岑和托尔提出的那个流产了的行动推迟到第二天进行的坚决要求,而库图佐夫又不得不同意了。 |